Hike the Hunuas

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks” – John Muir

In the quest to experience as much as possible from life and from this beautiful country that I now call home, I’m on a one-woman mission to get outdoors as much as possible and explore some of the more ‘out of the way’ areas of New Zealand.

This weekend, I decided to take a 20km hike through the Hunua Ranges, which lie just to the east of Auckland, and which is the largest native forest in the region.

The region is absolutely beautiful, although I have to admit to making two tiny errors on this hike…

h4The first was to take the loop track around the dam, which while spectacular didn’t take go anywhere near the Hunua Falls (which I wanted to see), or the suspension bridge (which I wanted to cross).

The second was just textbook in regards to comfort value. If anyone has been paying attention to the NZ weather recently (and who would unless you live here?), you’ll know that we are in the middle of a heat wave. So much so that some parts of the country are actually on fire. So the walk was VERY hot and humid, and while it was cool enough through the bush there were areas where there was just no shade from the 32 degree heat, and no breeze.

Still I felt good to experience a new spot in NZ that I hadn’t seen before, and sweating profusely over a 5 hour hike has to equal epic weight loss right?


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