Hike the Hunuas

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks” – John Muir

In the quest to experience as much as possible from life and from this beautiful country that I now call home, I’m on a one-woman mission to get outdoors as much as possible and explore some of the more ‘out of the way’ areas of New Zealand.

This weekend, I decided to take a 20km hike through the Hunua Ranges, which lie just to the east of Auckland, and which is the largest native forest in the region. Continue reading “Hike the Hunuas”

Trekking the Tongariro

“Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life” – Marcus Aurellius

So recently I ticked off one of my ‘NZ Bucket List’ items by completing the Tongariro Crossing with a couple of friends.

There’s been a lot of unsettled weather here on the North Island these last few weeks, and so we really lucked out with the weather, enjoying a clear day and views all the way to Mount Taranaki in the West, and uninterrupted views of Mount Ngauruhoe (aka Mount Doom LOTR fans). Continue reading “Trekking the Tongariro”

A Weekend on Waiheke Island

“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy” – Benjamin Franklin

Waiheke Island is a popular tourist destination a short 40 minute ferry ride from downtown Auckland. This weekend, me and a friend of mine went over to try some wine, chill on beaches, and get a bit sun burnt (not planned). Continue reading “A Weekend on Waiheke Island”

#69 Springtime in Omana Regional Park

“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush” – Doug Larson

This weekend I took a day trip to the Omana Regional Park, located in Maraetai – about a 30 minute drive from central Auckland.

Omana has a beautiful shingle beach, and picnic and camping facilities, which I image to be amazing in the summer. There is also a small farm, and we got to meet some lambs on the walk around the perimeter fence.  Continue reading “#69 Springtime in Omana Regional Park”

#62 Discovered One Tree Hill

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous – Aristotle

Today, my flatmate and I took advantage of a sunny winter Sunday, and took a walk around One Tree Hill, in Epsom, Auckland. Continue reading “#62 Discovered One Tree Hill”

The Reasoned Vegan

Providing Good Reasons to Go Vegan and Stay That Way

Adventures with Pete

A Tale Of Two Hemispheres

The Budget Backpackers

Opening your eyes to the world of traveling on the cheap!

Kiwi Footprints

A Kiwi traveller photographing the world

a mindful traveler

explore, live, love...

Blame It on Love

Liberate Animals • Liberate Our Spirits


Following the adventures of Brand on her travels to - first New York then New Zealand!